As the clock struck 3 in the afternoon, the sky darkened, as if a veil of mystery enveloped the entire city. A kind of greenish soot began to seep from the ground, shrouding the buildings and sidewalks like an unsettling shadow. The once serene sky turned deep as an abyss, devouring the daylight.

A fierce wind slammed into the great city, a desperate cry of nature. Whirlwinds and spirals formed, knocking cars and vehicles to the ground, as if trying to awaken an ancestral energy.

People looked on fearfully at the chaos unraveling around them, but no one could explain what was happening. Everyone sought shelter, but there was no escape. The atmosphere was thick with a dark, engulfing, inexplicable energy.

And then, like a sign of fate, a vermilion reddish liquid began to pour from the sky, like tears of blood from the world. Streets turned red, creating an apocalyptic scene that seemed to have emerged from a dark tale.

People understood that it was time to surrender, to accept the inevitable. There was no longer time to wonder why or how. There was no more time to find a solution. Now they could only give themselves up to an unexplainable fate.

Fearful eyes met each other, seeking solace in the gazes of others. But fear was a shared sentiment, and each knew they had to face what was about to happen alone.

The red wind continued to blow, carrying a sense of desolation and defeat. The streets were now empty, and only the sound of the wind and the red liquid spilling on the ground echoed in the ears of the survivors.

There was no more time for questions, nor for answers…

And as the city was shrouded in the shadow of the red wind, souls prepared to face their destiny, as only a few, unfortunately, already knew – some taken, others left behind.